State of PLAY

The following summarizes the current state of the project as of 2023-10-09.

Recent data

targets::tar_load(screen_df, store="../_targets")
targets::tar_load(home_visit_df, store="../_targets")

screen_df <- readr::read_csv(file.path(here::here(), "data/csv/screening/agg/PLAY-screening-latest.csv"))
## Rows: 562 Columns: 51
## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (42): site_id, subject_number, play_id, child_sex, ch...
## dbl   (8): child_age_mos, child_birthage, child_weight_pou...
## dttm  (1): submit_date
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Last month

Screening calls

month_ago <- now - dmonths(1)
screen_last_month_df <- screen_df %>%
  dplyr::filter(submit_date > month_ago)

There have been \(n=\) 20 recruiting calls since 2023-09-08 13:30:00.

Screening calls in last month by site

Figure 12: Screening calls in last month by site

Home visits

home_last_month_df <- home_visit_df %>%
   dplyr::filter(date_today > month_ago)

There have been \(n=\) 20 home visits since 2023-09-08 13:30:00.

Home visits in last month by site

Figure 13: Home visits in last month by site

Last 3 mos

Screening calls

three_mos_ago <- now - dmonths(3)
screen_last_3_df <- screen_df |>
   dplyr::filter(submit_date > three_mos_ago)

There have been \(n=\) 63 screening calls since 2023-07-09 16:30:00.

Screening calls in last 3 months by site

Figure 14: Screening calls in last 3 months by site

Home visits

home_last_3_month_df <- home_visit_df %>%
   dplyr::filter(date_today > three_mos_ago)

There have been \(n=\) 63 home visits since 2023-07-09 16:30:00.

Home visits in last 3 months by site

Figure 15: Home visits in last 3 months by site

Last 6 mos

Screening calls

six_mos_ago <- now - dmonths(6)
screen_last_6_df <- screen_df |>
   dplyr::filter(submit_date > six_mos_ago)

There have been \(n=\) 158 screening calls since 2023-04-09 09:00:00.

Screening calls in last 6 months by site

Figure 16: Screening calls in last 6 months by site

Home visits

home_last_6_month_df <- home_visit_df %>%
   dplyr::filter(date_today > six_mos_ago)

There have been \(n=\) 166 home visits since 2023-04-09 09:00:00.

Home visits in last 6 months by site

Figure 17: Home visits in last 6 months by site


From Databrary

Because of some minor anomalies merging the older KBT surveys, we query the Databrary API for the most complete data about PLAY sessions. For debugging purposes, we set vb = TRUE so we get complete information about what’s working and what is not.

## [1] TRUE
databrary_df <- purrr::map_df(play_vols$play_site_id, make_site_session_summary, vb = TRUE) 

databrary_df %>%
  dplyr::select(., site_name, site_id, site_vol_id, PLAY_Gold, PLAY_Silver, No_Visit, `NA`) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(., desc(PLAY_Gold)) %>%
  knitr::kable(., format = 'html') 
site_name site_id site_vol_id PLAY_Gold PLAY_Silver No_Visit NA
Ohio State University PLAYProject_OHIOS 1103 47 4 10 8
New York University PLAYProject_NYUNI 899 42 12 21 3
University of Georgia PLAYProject_UGEOR 1515 31 3 NA NA
Georgetown University PLAYProject_GEORG 954 30 4 10 6
University of Texas at Austin PLAYProject_UTAUS 1517 27 5 NA 10
UC Santa Cruz PLAYProject_UCSCR 1066 26 1 8 NA
University of Houston PLAYProject_UHOUS 1397 22 4 NA 1
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia PLAYProject_CHOPH 1370 19 2 NA 2
Purdue University PLAYProject_PURDU 1363 12 5 3 2
Vanderbilt University PLAYProject_VBLTU 1391 10 2 2 1
Cal State Long Beach PLAYProject_CSULB 1376 9 2 4 1
University of Iowa PLAYProject_UIOWA 1422 8 4 NA NA
Boston University PLAYProject_BOSTU 1008 8 6 NA 2
UC Riverside PLAYProject_UCRIV 966 6 1 NA 2
Cal State Fullerton PLAYProject_CSUFL 1481 6 5 NA 2
University of Miami PLAYProject_UMIAM 996 6 2 NA 9
Indiana University PLAYProject_INDNA 1400 4 2 NA NA
Michigan State University PLAYProject_MICHS 1590 2 2 NA 2
Stanford University PLAYProject_STANF 1362 1 1 1 NA
Virginia Commonwealth University PLAYProject_VCOMU 982 1 1 2 NA
Cornell University PLAYProject_CORNL 1576 NA 2 NA 2

From KBT

targets::tar_load(home_visit_w_databrary_df, store="../_targets")

gold_silver <- home_visit_w_databrary_df %>%

xtabs(~ group_name + age_group, gold_silver)
##              age_group
## group_name    12mo 18mo 24mo
##   PLAY_Gold    109  103   85
##   PLAY_Silver   13   30   25
xtabs(~ group_name + child_sex, gold_silver)
##              child_sex
## group_name    female male
##   PLAY_Gold      143  154
##   PLAY_Silver     31   37
df_race_eth <- gold_silver %>%
  dplyr::filter(! %>%
  dplyr::mutate(., participant_race = recode(participant_race, 
                                             `Black or African American` = "Black_or_African_American",
                                             `More than one` = "More_than_one"),
                participant_ethnicity = recode(participant_ethnicity, 
                                               `Hispanic or Latino` = "Hispanic_or_Latino",
                                               `Not Hispanic or Latino` = "Not_Hispanic_or_Latino"))

xtabs(~ participant_race + participant_ethnicity, df_race_eth)
##                                    participant_ethnicity
## participant_race                    Hispanic_or_Latino
##   Asian                                              0
##   Black_or_African_American                          1
##   More_than_one                                     21
##   Native American or Alaskan Native                  1
##   Other                                             23
##   Refused                                            1
##   White                                             52
##                                    participant_ethnicity
## participant_race                    Not_Hispanic_or_Latino
##   Asian                                                  3
##   Black_or_African_American                              6
##   More_than_one                                         28
##   Native American or Alaskan Native                      0
##   Other                                                  6
##   Refused                                                0
##   White                                                223

By site, location, & QA status

xtabs(~ site_id + group_name, gold_silver)
##        group_name
## site_id PLAY_Gold PLAY_Silver
##   BOSTU         8           6
##   CHOPH        19           5
##   CORNL         0           2
##   CSUFL         6           4
##   CSULB         9           2
##   GEORG        23           2
##   INDNA         4           2
##   MICHS         2           2
##   NYUNI        30          10
##   OHIOS        47           3
##   PURDU        12           5
##   STANF         1           1
##   UCRIV         8           1
##   UCSCR        25           1
##   UGEOR        31           6
##   UHOUS        22           3
##   UIOWA         8           4
##   UMIAM         6           2
##   UTAUS        26           5
##   VBLTU        10           2
gold_silver %>%
    ggplot(.) +
    aes(forcats::fct_infreq(context_state), fill = context_state) +
    geom_bar() +
    facet_grid(. ~ group_name) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(
      angle = 90,
      vjust = 0.5,
      hjust = 1
    )) + # Rotate text
    labs(x = "State", y = "N participants") +
    theme(legend.position = "none")
QA level by State

Figure 18: QA level by State


unlink("../.databrary.RData", recursive = TRUE)
## Logout Successful.
## [1] TRUE